
Above nursery through 6th grade

Weekly Meetings

Open Gym: Games and Bible Study on Sunday nights in the gym from 5:30-7:00

Team Kids: Meets Wednesday nights in the gym (E building) from 7:00-8:00 for a short play time then bible study. 3 Classes range from 2 years old through 6th grade (2-4 year olds, Kindergarten-3rd Grade, 4th-6th Grade).

Special Events & Activities: Vacation Bible School, Kids Camp at Look Up Lodge, Field Trips, and Holiday Parties. Team Kids also regularly have the opportunity to visit the church store. Points are earned in their classes by bringing their bible, bringing friends, and other good behaviors.

Age Range                                     Meeting Location

Nursery (0-3 years)                           E Building 

4-5 year olds                                     E Building

1st-3rd Grades                                  E building

4th-6th Grades                                  E building

Youth (7th-12th Grades)                   E Building

Young Adults                                     E Building

Come join us for our Fall Festival on Saturday, November 4th!


0-3 Years Old

Volunteers from CBC provide a nursery for both Sunday School and Sunday Morning worship service in E Building. 


7th grade through 12th grade

Weekly Meetings

Open Gym: Games and Bible Study on Sunday nights in the gym from 5:30-7:00

Youth Meeting: Wednesday Nights in the Old Fellowship Hall from 7:00-8:00

Special Events: Monthly Outings, Youth Work Days, Valentines Day Banquet, Summer Camp, Yearly Cruise-In Fundraiser, Impact Yadkin